This picture is form Wickapedia,but I can not get a good picture of my little visitor in the rain with my little camera. My friend has been here for about a week at first I thought it was hurt.but it got up from the patio and started to eat the bird seed then it flew up to the fence. I know it is a Morning Dove although I have never seen one here before.There is only the one I think it is lost.
I love Morning Doves. Nice to have them around, their song is so soothing.
What a wonderful little photo of an interesting bird. I haven't seen these little guys around here... I am glad it's eating the bird seed to keep strong if it is indeed lost.
Cactus Jack said just what I was thinking. Lucky you! - Margy
Mourning Doves are so photogenic. We have lots here, and they visit my feeders every day. They have already started laying eggs.
That is neat, Betty, that you have a Mourning Dove there. We have lots of them year-round. They love to eat off of the ground ---everything that the other birds drop!!!!
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