Worn out puppy

My son Michael and grandson Liam

Michael and Liam

Macail had so much fun playing in the dirt
(angel with a dirty face)

This is how Michael carries Liam around he is a very good
Mr. mom

Macail and his sweet mom Malaika

Macail is Liam's big brother.

How do you like them apples?
A good time was had by all.
You have a beautiful family, and those grandkids are very handsome.
I just love spending Sundays with the family, eating, laughing and playing, we are indeed very fortunate
Sounds like a great family gathering. Bet the food was delicious!!!! Those babies are adorable. Interesting name---Macail is unusual.. I haven't heard it. I have heard Liam and love it. Are the boys brothers--or cousins?
The dog looks like he had plenty of BBQ also... ha
Macail and Liam are brothers.
Looks like a good time had by all
Hi Betty. I have been trying to leave a comment but either my password is wrong or my name is or I don't copy the security code properly. I hate these things.
Very nice looking boys. I have been taking care of my grandboys most of the summer--while school is out. they are 9 and 11 and can be a handful. Butwe are having fun.
Your pictures are absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful day that must have been out on the sailboat. I love all the sunset scenes.
What a grand family you have Betty. Those boys are so cute, and that dirty face is special. Family bar-b-ques are the best.
have a great week-end.
Oh wow, your family is amazing! And I'm so happy to see how they all work all together to take care of each other... this makes me smile BIG. =)
Such handsome boys, all big and small! A truly wonderful posting to see!
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