This is my favorite Wall Hanging. I am sitting here watching the rain coming down. My scanner isn't working it is to wet to take pictures.I guess I am a little down today.I am thinking of things to be thankful for.My husbands eyes are doing great.My sister is doing ok her blood work is good her nuropathy is the same ( not good).My son is happy he found his father. All of my other wonderful kids are doing well, and I love reading all of your blogs. I think we need some sunshine. I am not very good at putting what I am thinking down on paper. My 92 year old mother is doing great dancing on YouTube.
Hugs to all of you
Remember, tomorrow is the first day of spring. Sunshine can't be far away. Before we know it we'll be complaining it is too hot.
I am having some weird things happening with Blogger this week. First I couldn't edit, then I couldn't save and then I couldn't post. Now my picture isn't showing. Maybe they have been doing updates and my Mac computer doesn't like them. Thanks for letting me know. - Margy
Betty, you DO have s much to be Thankful for.
Your mother dances? Amazing is all I can say.
It rained here yesterday and a person does get down when that happens. Spring is springing tomorrow morning. It's cold here and we had light snow flurries this evening. Boo Hoo. I'm just plain tired of it.
Best to you and all your family! Have a wonderful Friday.
Great wall hanging. Spring will be here tomorrow and it will be better weather soon.
Hi Betty. Did you make the wall hanging? Did you know that the fellow pictured on it is a Fertility God, which I think is quite appropriate for you.
I bought a T-shirt with that symbol on it for a sister when I was in Arizona or New Mexico.
Well, why aren't you dancing with granny?!?! That would make you feel better!
That is a great wallhanging. I love Native American crafts.
I'm sorry you're feeling down. I think it happens a lot at this time of year - so many dark and cold days behind us that it's hard to see the light.
Counting blessings can help, but then I tend to feel guilty that I still feel down. Can't win, LOL.
I love your wall hanging.
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